Fifaninanana fahalalana fahalalana momba ny kolontsaina
Ny firenena sinoa dia manana tantara lava, ary misy fety nentim-paharazana maro miaraka amin'ny toetran'ny Nasionaly. In order to better inherit the knowledge of folk culture, encourage participants to actively understand the knowledge of folk customs and enrich the spare time ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Kangpurui dia maniry anao ho 2022 mahafinaritra! Sambatra 2022!
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KPRUI sy KPRS dia nanome ny fitaovana anti-epidemika ho an'i Xi'an miaraka
On January 3th, 2022, a van full with anti-epidemic materials and hanging the banner of “Fighting the epidemic together, helping and supporting Xi'an” drove out from the gate of Changzhou KPRUI Automobile Air Conditioning Co., Ltd., its Ny toerana dia xi'an izay misy ilay epide ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Lova maharitra ela, KPRUI Niniana "Ny kolontsainan'ny fianakaviana"
Ny kolontsaina orinasa dia fanahin'ny orinasa iray. Miditra ao anaty hetsika fandidiana sy fitantanana ny orinasa iray. Izy io dia hery mitondra fiara tsy azo ihodivirana ho an'ny fampandrosoana maharitra amin'ny orinasa iray sy ny herin'ny orinasam-panjakana iray. Noho izany, i Kprui dia nametraka fanafarana lehibe foana ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Ny fahazoana fepetra marobe sy fandrosoana amin'ny halaliny dia miezaka ny hanangana orinasa modely fitantanana 5s 5s
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KPRui dia nanangana fiofanana fiarovana amin'ny fampiasana forklifts
In order to further regulate the use of forklifts, help the company's safe production work, and ensure the safety of employees' lives and property, on the afternoon of 24th NOV, 2021, KPRUI launched a excellent and practical training on the use of forklifts in ny faritra mahazo ny t ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
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Fantaro ny vokatra tm16 mahazatra
Androany dia ho fantatsika ny vokatra iray ao amin'ny TM16 Series-KPRS-617001001 (indroa slot 24v). TM16 (KPRS-617001001), a KPRS brand product with high refrigeration, high quality and high attention. TM16 (KPRS-617001001) is a two-way swash plate compressor with fixed displacement. Izany ...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Izaho Kpr-1102
Iza aho? Ao amin'ny kprui dia afaka miantso ahy ianao KPR-1102, izaho no mpanamory fiaramanidina fiaramanidina mahery vaika indrindra. In KPRUI, rotary vane type automotive air-conditioning compressors are the oldest "family", ranking first in domestic after-sales market share. In this big...Hamaky bebe kokoa -
Vaovao Tsara! KPRUI dia nahazo ny lohatenin'ny "Entom-investative Investment Entripment"
Niutang Town Governemantam-barotra isan-taona ny fihaonana isan-taona "Ny Golden Niutang" amin'ny tanjona hanafainganana ny fanavaozana sy ny fampandrosoana. Changzhou KPRUI Automobile Air Conditioning Co., Ltd. was awarded the title of "Innovative Investment Enterprise", and KPRUI Chairman Ma Bingxin ma...Hamaky bebe kokoa - Ny voromahery dia manaparitaka ny elany ary manisy faniriana vaovao ho rahampitso; Ny omby volamena dia mihazakazaka miakatra ny tampon-tampon'ny ho avy! Miaraka amin'ny tantaran'ny fahatapahana sy ny fampandrosoana dia tonga lavitra isika; Aorian'ny fiovan'ny toe-javatra dia tsy andrintsika ny mamorona toko vaovao miaraka! ...Hamaky bebe kokoa
Ny fihaonambe faha-3 momba ny fanatsarana ny lohahevitra dia natao tamim-pahombiazana
At 17:10 pm on October 12, the third presentation meeting of Changzhou KPRUI Automotive Air Conditioning Co., Ltd. project improvement led by Manager Hu of the Quality Assurance Department was successfully held in the conference room on the third floor of the production. ...Hamaky bebe kokoa